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What is Most Important When Playing Sports?

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VIDEO: It’s Not About Winning. What is it About? Watch Inspiring Video Below.. 

 Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing is a well-known quotation in sports. It is attributed to UCLA Bruins football coach Henry Russell (“Red”) Sanders, who spoke two different versions of the quotation. In 1950, at a Cal Poly San Luis Obispo physical education workshop, Sanders told his group: “Men, I’ll be honest.

Winning isn’t everything,” then following a long pause, “Men, it’s the only thing!”

Good sportsmanship pro­vides guidelines that can be generalized to classroom and lifelong achievement. Partici­pation in challenging sports contests teaches children to love classroom challenge. 

In sports, everybody believes in talent. Even – or especially—the experts. In fact, sports is where the idea of “a natural” comes from—someone who looks like an athlete, moves like an athlete, and is an athlete, all without trying.

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