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Why Practice is Important in Sports

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Practicing sports periodically, even if this means going up the stairs instead of using the elevator or leaving the car for the bike means more than fighting diseases. Sports also improves memory and learning.

Everybody knows the benefits of practicing sports and leading a healthy life. For instance, we know that some sports increase our serotonin levels (the hormone of happiness). Besides, physical exercise helps us control our blood pressure and cholesterol levels. On the other hand, doing sports could also involve some risks, especially if you don’t perform each exercise properly. Likewise, if you have any physical condition, you have to be careful, visit your doctor and perhaps you should take some special cares.
Sports also increase the release of testosterone, the male sexual hormone, from the testicles. This hormone boosts the number of immune white cells and red cells in the blood, preventing infections.
It’s clear that sports improves heart’s health. Sportsmen are less exposed to cardiovascular diseases. Sports increase the good cholesterol, decrease hypertension, control type II diabetes. The heart of a sport practicing person makes less effort in accomplishing the same amount of work. Not to mention the increased lung capacity of that individual.

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